If you have elbow or shoulder problems or another ailment that limits physical activity, it's recommended to get a lighter detector. Some Metaldetectorshub.com are light as a feather while others are built like bricks and can be quite heavy. For those who like the best of both worlds, that may be a detector worth looking into. Alternatively, if you're looking to cover large, open areas like beaches and farm fields, a larger coil might be a better option. The only real advantage it has over the DD (in my opinion) is that it can be easier to pinpoint your target.
This detector may look a bit old fashioned but it does the job better than many of its flashy companions. The coil set-up is interesting because you can choose between an 8 inch or 5.75 inch. The Tesoro Compadre is one of the easiest metal detectors to use so if you're a technophobe or buying for a kid this is a great choice. 3 tone audio identification can ping out audio tones set to differing metals, so set gold to high for example and listen for the high pitched tones. It also has an iron identifier LED that lights up when you swing it above yet more coke cans and trash.
Go to places where you're more likely to find objects such as the beach or a park, and do your research online. Take off the coil cover and give it a really good clean. That's a much bigger problem because salt water will corrode the delicate components. Put the whole detector somewhere warm and dry and see if that is enough to dry out the components.
The Director of Parks and Recreation may approve use of a metal detector in areas where their use is normally prohibited, only upon special arrangement, in cases when a specific item is lost or to assist with official investigations. If an archaeological artifact is found, the metal detecting activity shall cease and the permit holder shall promptly notify the Parks and Recreation Department. A litter apron or bag is to be worn or carried during metal detector use and all litter disposed of in trash containers or removed from site.
This top of the line metal detector is in good condition, tested, works great. You can leave your coil on the detector with the ample storage room for easy transport. The unique design of the Minelab Excalibur II allows you to use it as effectively in or out of the water - this amphibious machine can move seamlessly from land, beach and wet sand conditions to underwater depths of up to 200ft (66m). Garrett AT Pro Metal Detector with MS-2 Headphones and Pro-Pointer AT, USA Ver.
Some are easy to handle and can be used by everyone and others have more features and buttons thus suitable for advanced users. For the beginner with higher budgets and willing to spend more to get the best detector, the following options are available. Although they are sold for low prices, they are still effective in finding silver, coins and gold. There are others that combine nugget and relic hunting such as Whites MXT Tracker which goes for $800 and the Tesoro Lobo SuperTRAQ which retails at $700.
I recommend an underwater metal detector if you are spending lots of time in or near the water. The best choice of metal detector for the beach is either a waterproof pulse induction or a very low frequency (VLF) detector. If adjusting the ground balance doesn't stop the hysterical wailing from your metal detector try turning down the sensitivity too. You've also got fast re-tune, computerized multi-tone audio, and top-notch discrimination that sits alongside real-time ground-balancing to eliminate mineralized soil alerts and track down black sands that often contain gold. I like this metal detector because it gives good results if you're willing to put in the time to understand it's specific relic hunting functions.
Coil Size: Large coils cover ground more quickly while smaller coils help you to pinpoint buried metal objects. A top-of-the-line metal detector may not be worth the investment if you're only going to take it out once a year.
Over 50 years of experience manufacturing industrial metal detector equipment, MDI has a reputation you can trust, quality products that are top of the line, and a dedicated service team. Because you may target a particular type of metal on your hunt, the ability to adjust the level of discrimination is important. For instance, some people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure. Mention the words metal detector and you'll get completely different reactions from different people. The best metal detector is the one that suits the users' needs.
Metor metal detectors are currently in daily use in a diverse range of applications. We have consistently maintained our position as one of the world's leading manufacturers of quality walk-through metal detectors.